Essay | Λόγος and Everydayness

Joaquin Trujillo’s article “Λόγος and Everydayness” complements his study on “Λόγος and Dasein“, published  in this journal in March of this year.

While that earlier study “contends three (conjoined) interpretations of λόγος are discoverable in Heidegger’s hermeneutic-phenomenological (hermeneutical) reading of Heraclitus’s fragments […] [t]his article discerns a fourth understanding: λόγος meant as everydayness. The report (1) lays out the hermeneutical considerations situating its analysis; (2) reviews the fundamental-ontological (transcendental-horizontal) rendition of everydayness, including its kinship with fallenness and inauthenticity, and (3) examines Heidegger’s readings of the fragments whose saying of λόγος it proposes corresponds to the meaning of everydayness.”


Caravaggio, La cattura di Cristo nell’orto (1602)


Trujillo – Λόγος and Everydayness